Before obtaining a public works decal, your vehicle must be registered with the Commissioner of the Revenue in Hanover County. New Hanover County has a 50,000 GPD treatment system for leachate generated at their 100-acre landfill. (50 lbs. Hanover Pediatrics. Low Tide Steakhouse. Collection service is provided on the following schedule: The outer bag for containment of waste shall be clear & transparent (non-tinted). Flatten and bundle all corrugated cardboard to a maximum size of 30” x 30” x 8”. Tags are available at the following locations: Bi-weekly curbside collection of recyclables and cardboard is provided to all residential, commercial and institutional properties. Here’s a look at some of those innovative efforts that are increasing recycling, reuse, and waste reduction. Pediatrician. Water Treatment Service. This can be done in person or online. The resulting system minimizes the use of land resources consumed for burying the waste we generate, and minimizes the potential risks for contaminating the area’s delicate environment. Collected semi-annually at Earth Day and America Recycles Events The HazWagon won an Achievement Award in 2017 from the National Association of Counties (NACo) for its innovation and the increased level of service it provides to residents. Job-Site Container Company . If you want to see innovation at work, take a tour around the New Hanover County landfill. You won’t just see a pile of trash; you’ll see one of the state’s most advanced integrated solid waste management systems that includes recycling, waste diversion and initiatives that target long-term sustainability. Garden Product Bags (clean, dry and empty), Crinkly, Non-stretch Wrap, Packaging and Bottle Seals, Chip, Cookie, Chocolate and Snack Bar Wrappers. The Environmental Management Department oversees recycling and solid waste for the county, and they operate as an enterprise fund. Further details regarding dates and locations will be advertised in The Post and online at 3701 Fairfield Way, Southport, North Carolina, 28461; About. This is a free exchange, not a yard sale so registration is not required. Bagel Shop. If you want to see innovation at work, take a tour around the New Hanover County landfill. New Hanover County Environmental Management Turner Murphy Company is a Utility Contractor specializing in building water and waste water treatment plants across the Carolinas. Place recyclables beside the road or curb by 6:00am on your designated collection day. Place beside your blue box. Always call 804-365-3220 to … New Hanover County is part of the four-county Cape Fear Region which includes Brunswick, Columbus and Pender counties. If your waste is not collected, a sticker indicating the reason why will be attached to the bag. The events are free to the residents of Hanover and Walkerton. Congratulations to…, Employer registration is now full for the Grey Bruce Virtual Job Fair happening on March 10th! Cape Fear Public Utility Authority. Empty paint containers can be placed in your blue box for regular recycling pick up. That means they operate like a business by generating their own revenue and they do not use any property or sales taxes that you may pay. Please do not mix paint/stain materials together. To address privacy of personal items, one solid colour “privacy bag” no larger than 20” x 22” (the size of a kitchen catcher or grocery bag) inside each clear bag is permitted. Restaurant. New Hanover County's official website providing services, departments, news, emergency information and government services. In May 2013, the county opened its Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Recycling Facility to provide residents with a free option to recycle household chemicals, oils, electronics, batteries and more. If your waste is not collected, a sticker indicating the reason why will be attached to the bag. Ninety percent of construction and demolition debris is recyclable, including scrap wood and lumber, sheetrock, scrap metals, old appliances, asphalt roof shingles, concrete, brick, carpet and more. Recent Projects This permanent facility has been successful and kept nearly 650 tons of the most toxic, flammable, corrosive and reactive chemicals out of the landfill each year. This program will help ensure the continued upkeep of the stormwater management system throughout the unincorporated areas of the county, and relieve property owners of the responsibility of maintaining and cleaning ditches and pipes on their property. 179 likes. Parks Conservancy of New Hanover County. With its addition, the county is now diverting 875 tons of contaminants each year and keeping waste that can be harmful to our health and to the environment out of the landfill. each. Drop-Off Location - Fill an empty grocery or retail bag with plastics and tie tightly. Located at 3002 US Hwy 421 N., New Hanover County residents will be able to dispose of their waste free of charge. Many businesses have re-opened their doors and are excited to welcome customers back. We are diverting nearly everything we can from the landfill with these innovative programs, all while lowering the landfill tip fee nearly 19 percent since 2014. The department has implemented new programs to divert materials from the landfill and improve the environment, developed public/private partnerships that have led to increased exports and created jobs, and they are providing stability and predictability in our waste management program. New Hanover County December 2006 – Present 12 years 11 months. The compost is available at the Route 301 Transfer Station at a loaded rate of $10 per cubic yard with a minimum of five cubic yards. Waste Management Company. WILMINGTON — New Hanover County’s Department of Environmental Management, which oversees the county’s landfill, is partnering with University of North Carolina Wilmington on a pilot program beginning this July that aims to divert some of the university’s food waste into compost that can then be sold within the county for farming, landscaping and gardening. Please ensure that waste is separated and placed in the following designated areas: These items can be delivered during residential household hazardous waste day events. The Solid Waste Division for the Hanover County Department of Public Works maintains six solid waste convenience centers where residents may dispose of household waste and recyclables, as well as the Transfer Station off U.S. Rt. Patriot Waste Disposal • New Hanover County, Brunswick County, Pender County • (910) 231-2054. Any items left at the curb after Goods Exchange Week must be removed by owner. Unlimited clear kitchen catcher size (20” x 22”) bags may be placed inside the larger bag. In addition to the Montco Household Hazardous Waste flyer, I have attached the five county Regional SEPA HHW flyer. Household waste or construction debris will not be picked up, but can be brought to the New Hanover County Landfill (5210 U.S. Highway 421 North) during regular hours beginning Wednesday, August 5. Thanks to everyone for participating and voting in the 2021 Snow Sculpture Contest! Each bag placed at the curb for collection shall weigh no more than 50 pounds (23 kg). County Government Complex • 230 Government Center Drive • Customer Service 910-798-7311, Increasing Recycling, Reuse and Waste Reduction. Adjacent to the landfill, the automated Construction & Demolition Facility opened in July 2016 and diverts over 20,000 tons each year from landfill disposal. Twigs and small branches are not collected but may be taken to the landfill site free of charge throughout the year during regular landfill hours, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm. Day Care . Town of Hanover bag tags are required to be wrapped around the neck of the bag. New Hanover County Household Hazardous Waste Facility: 3002 US Hwy 421 N: Wilmington: 28401: New Hanover County: 910-798-4400: New Hanover County Landfill: 5210 US Hwy 421 N: Wilmington: 28402: New Hanover County: 910-798-4450: NHRMC Medication and Sharps Disposal Events (October 2021) Call or Visit Website for 2021 Event Dates : Wilmington: 28401: New Hanover County… Find useful information, the address and the phone number of the local business you are looking for. As New Hanover County grows, so does our waste. Place garbage beside road or curb before or by 6:00am on your scheduled day to ensure pickup. The compost has been tested by the nationally accredited Woods End Lab and received its high rating of Garden/Topsoil Compost which allows for any use. So, by diverting these materials, we minimize landfill deposits, recycle materials that can go back into the market to be used to make new products, and save haulers time and money because they can drive on a concrete pad at the facility rather than driving on the landfill. Over the past four years, waste disposal has increased 10 percent each year. The following hazardous waste items will be accepted at no charge throughout the year at the following locations: PHARMACEUTICALS AND SHARPS (all sharps must be contained in a rigid container). The events are free to the residents of Hanover and Walkerton. We are Ironbound Waste Management Ironbound Waste Management rents and delivers waste containers to job sites throughout the three southeastern North Carolina counties that we service (New Hanover, Pender and Brunswick). Katie Lewis … The county was given the budget to purchase the in-vessel composter and UNC Wilmington helped to write the permit application.” The university had installed a food waste pulper at its Wagoner Dining Hall to remove the moisture and … “A lot of things that were taboo 10 years ago, like you have to rinse out everything and make it spotless or don't put it in your recycle bin -- that's no longer the case. Nonprofit Organization. Revenues generated from the sales of recovered materials help offset the cost of the county’s Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Recycling programs, which are available at no charge to county residents. The Household Hazardous Waste Day Events are provided on behalf of the Hanover/Walkerton Waste Management Committee. And, as it stands with our diversion efforts, we will be able to extend the lifespan of the landfill from 90 years, where it was three years ago, to more than 180 years. New Hanover County partnered with Sonoco Recycling to operate a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in July 2015. Containers/Bags cannot exceed 36 gallons or 50 lb. All other waste, including construction debris, can be brought by homeowners to the New Hanover County Landfill (5210 U.S. Highway 421 North) during regular hours: Monday-Friday from 6:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. and Saturday from 6:30 a.m. until noon. The in-vessel system also provides a nutrient rich-compost the county is using at our parks and gardens, including the Arboretum and Airlie Gardens. The site will replace the county's one-day collection activities. You can learn more about the multiple options to recycle waste in New Hanover County at Leaves should be placed at the curb by Monday morning. At your Household Hazardous Waste Depot, there will be trained professionals who will receive, package, transport and store the materials safely and in compliance with all regulations. Powered by Tempera & WordPress. Unlimited clear kitchen catcher size (20" x 22") bags may be placed inside the larger clear bag. These programs are extending the life of the landfill, protecting the environment, and are much more cost effective than landfill expansion. Bag tags are sold at a cost of $2.00 per tag. The solid waste convenience centers are available for household refuse only and are not to be used by businesses. Wow Hanover! The New Hanover County Landfill, located in Wilmington, North Carolina is a solid waste disposal facility that buries trash and garbage beneath layers of soil or other cover materials. Maximum blue box size is 83 litres and shall weigh no more than 23 kg. All bids shall be sent in a sealed envelope clearly marked on the outside of the envelope “RFB 20-0463 HHW Recycling & Disposal Services,” to the attention of Kim Roane, Business Officer, 3002 U. S. Highway 421 North, Wilmington, NC 28401 or email Montgomery County Recycling Event Flyers for 2021 are expected to be available in February, 2021. Empty containers are to be recycled or disposed of with your household waste. In addition, a mobile collection unit, called the HazWagon, was created in January 2017 to give residents an easier and more convenient way to dispose of hazardous waste and electronics. When using any of Hanover County's convenience centers for trash disposal and recycling, a Hanover County, Ashland, or public works decal must be displayed. Instead of throwing away unwanted household items...keep them out of the landfill and GIVE THEM AWAY!FREE TOWN-WIDE “GOODS EXCHANGE” is a great opportunity for everyone to give away those reusable household items, such as furniture, appliances or children’s toys which you no longer use. Town of Hanover bag tags are still required to be wrapped around the neck of the “clear bag”. We all pay less to dispose at the county landfill but have more services and options to manage our solid waste than ever. Place filled bags in the yellow bin at the landfill site. 2020 Household Hazardous Waste Days. New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council. Water Works....What you need to know about water! Household Hazardous Waste. Job Seekers, plan to…, Show Local Some 💗 Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Drop-Off Center FREE for all residents of New Hanover County Now open Monday through Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Residents are reminded not to leave any items near the curb that they don't wish to be mistakenly picked up. Since Environmental Management Director Joe Suleyman joined our team over six years ago, I have been impressed with the innovative business model he has brought to New Hanover County. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday | 8:00am to 3:00pmClosed on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and all statutory holidays. Joe Suleyman, Director of New Hanover County Environmental Management, had been trying to start a composting program, so the timing was excellent. New Hanover County Junk Removal; New Hanover County Garbage Bins; New Hanover County Roll Off Containers; Get Quotes or call (910) 279-4353. Joe Suleyman, Director of New Hanover County’s Environmental Management Department, says this constant change is the biggest obstacle to proper and frequent recycling. After more than a year of piloting the program using pre-consumer food waste from UNCW’s dining halls, it is open and free for residents to bring unpackaged food waste to the composter. Purchase all bag tags at Township Building. Many items can be disposed at the landfill free of charge to homeowners. Acceptable items include general household waste, food waste, grass clippings, empty/dry paint cans with lids removed. Coastal Waste Services, Inc. New Hanover County is accepting bids for the recycling and/or disposal of household hazardous waste materials. Waste Disposal & Bin Rental Services In New Hanover County, NC. Weekly curbside collection of household garbage is available to all residential dwellings and apartments with not more than five units. The City of Wilmington is currently assessing debris removal within city limits, and plans to announce information before 5 p.m. today. The HazWagon is stationed at three different locations each week: Ogden Park on Mondays, Wrightsville Beach on Wednesdays, and Carolina Beach on Fridays. Service Instructions & Limitations. 341 10th StreetHanover ON N4N 1P5T 519.364.2780F 519.364.6456, Ron CooperDirector of Public WorksT 519.364.2780 x 1229, Nicole WilkenUtility ClerkT 519.364.2780 x 1221, Paul MoosPublic Works ForemanT 519.364.1991, Ted KnappChief OperatorWater & Wastewater Treatment PlantsT 519.364.1481, Hanover/Walkerton Landfill SiteFire #868 County Road #4 Hanover ON, Joyce DietrichLandfill Site AttendantT 519.364.4351, Hours of OperationTuesday, Thursday - Saturday | 8:00am to 3:00pmClosed on Monday, Wednesdayand all Statutory Holidays, Winter Maintenance (Roads & Sidewalks) Policy, History & Development of the Waterworks System. Restricted Waste such as paint, propane cylinders, hazardous materials, computers, monitors, hard drives, DVD players, CD players, radios, projectors, televisons, answering machines, MP3 players, projectors, pagers, cordless & rotary telephones and printing devices, household appliances are NOT accepted and must be included with your household waste, ensure that no electronic waste is contained in any loads delivered to the landfill site for disposal, retail, newspaper, flyer, dry cleaning, electronic equipment, bread, fresh vegetable and produce, frozen vegetable, bulk goods, milk (outer), water softener, salt bags (remove rigid plastic handles), diaper and hygiene (outer), soil, mulch, garden product, toilet paper, napkin, paper towel, bottled water, soda, Water Softener and Salt Bags (Remove rigid plastic handles, Toilet Paper, Napkin and Paper Towel Over Wrap, Diaper and Feminine Hygiene Product Outer Bags, Soil, Mulch etc. NEW HANOVER COUNTY — New Hanover County is giving residents an easy way to dispose of household hazardous waste, and it starts next Monday. The county’s food waste composting program is our newest waste diversion program. Our priority must be to prolong the life of the landfill as much as possible. The facility processes recyclables from New Hanover, Pender and Brunswick counties, as well as the City of Wilmington, at about 25,000 tons per year. Ironbound features waste container dumpster bins that hold up to 40 cubic yards of construction waste. Bagel king and donuts. Category One Compost is made by Hanover County from leaves and grass. Locate and compare Waste Management in Hanover Mall Hanover ON, Yellow Pages Local Listings. Commencing the week of October 19, 2020 to the end of November Public Works staff will collect leaves once a week on either Monday or Tuesday. Styrofoam Recycling Information - Click to Open. It is the only MRF in Southeastern North Carolina and many of the recovered materials are shipped worldwide through the Port of Wilmington. Bags shall be no larger than 26” x 36” and can be placed in a waste container for collection. Waste Management Company. And you can even schedule a tour to see these innovative programs at work. The treated effluent was discharged to a creek, but other discharge options included spray irrigation and wetlands disposal. Styrofoam Recycling Information - Click to open. The Children's Corner Of Wilmington Drop In Play Care. ), metal and appliances (large and small) in the STEEL area, brush and non-manufactured wood in WOOD area, asphalt shingles in SHINGLE area when the bin is available, Clothing - Drop-off bin provided in recycling area. NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NC – New Hanover County held a dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony today for the new Division of Juvenile Justice building, located at 138 N.Fourth Street in downtown Wilmington. Please remove lid before placing in box. Just put them at the curb clearly marked that they are FREE. No loose trash in cans. Further details regarding dates and locations will be advertised in The Post and online at The Household Hazardous Waste Day Events are provided on behalf of the Hanover/Walkerton Waste Management Committee. 301. County Government Complex • 230 Government Center Drive • Customer Service 910-798-7311 Call Waste Management at 800-634-4595. All paint and stain must be in original containers and not dried out. If you are using a garbage container, wrap the bag tag on the top bag in the container so that it is visible when the lid is lifted. Compost such as grass clippings, leaves, yard waste and small articles of brush. All bags must be tagged for collection by wrapping the bag tag around the neck of the bag. Job-Site Container Company provides residential customers and contractors in … A & V Waste delivers roll off waste containers to the following areas of southeastern North Carolina:New Hanover County, Pender County and Brunswick County Call Ironbound Waste Management… They are wo…, Household Hazardous Waste Collection Sites. These items should be delivered to the site in either reusable containers or compostable bags. Food waste and compostable material make up more than 50 percent of the landfill’s content, so this new program is a meaningful step towards reducing the amount of waste the county generates. Thanks for your co-operation! Tour the neighbourhood to see what goods you may find for your family. The New Hanover County Department of Environmental Management oversees one of the state’s most innovative integrated solid waste disposal systems. Set up New Residential Service. 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